Warhammer Online Gold Guide

Warhammer Online Gold Guide
This Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning gold guide is packed with amazing information about making gold in this game. There are various tips ranging from auction house reselling tactics, making gold in PvE, best grinding spots, public quests with high gold yields and more.

Here's a brief overview of the features found in this guide:
  • Learn what and how to buy items cheap and sell high just minutes later.
  • Hundreds of items, quests, locations, and vendors are linked WarDB for quick and easy references
  • Exact ways of making tons of gold with your crafing professions - all crafts are covered
  • Comprehensive list of items that each career amd craft needs, which you can resell for amazing prices later on
  • Farming spots chapter will show you exactly where to grind mobs to get over 100 gold per hour
  • This guide has plenty of information for both Order and Destruction
  • How to easily dominate the marked and earn thousands of gold overnight
  • Learn which items always sell and exactly how to get them
  • There's a ton of info about making gold even if you aren't rank 40
If you want to learn more about this guide or get it click here!